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    在计算机科学领域中,提供垃圾收集(Garbage Collection)功能的系统框架,即提供对象托管功能的系统框架,例如Java应用程序框架,也是采用上述的引用计数技术方案来实现的,然而,简单的引用计数技术不能处理系统中对象间循环引用的情况。




    说到智能指针,熟悉c++的朋友知道,c++默认提供了一套默认指针的实现,auto_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr, unique_ptr。其中auto_ptr是c++中最早的智能指针实现,但是具有很大的局限性,所以在c++11中启用了auto_ptr,而改用后面三种智能指针。

    讲道理,c++11提供的智能指针很优秀,并不比android中实现的智能指针方案差,那么为什么android要自己实现一套智能指针呢?纯属个人分析,在android早起版本时c++11规范并没有出来,但是开发者不满意auto_ptr表现,所以自己实现了一套智能指针。等到c++11规范出来的时候,android已经成型,太多地方用到了智能指针,所以修改复杂,于是就不改了……猜测不知道对错,但是有一点肯定的是,绝对不是android底层不能使用c++11,因为最新版(android 8)的android智能指针实现代码里使用了c++11的内容。


    Android系统提供了强大的智能指针技术供我们使用,这些智能指针实现方案既包括简单的引用计数技术,也包括了复杂的引用计数技术,即对象既有强引用计数,也有弱引用计数,对应地,这三种智能指针分别就称为轻量级指针(Light Pointer)、强指针(Strong Pointer)和弱指针(Weak Pointer)。无论是轻量级指针,还是强指针和弱指针,它们的实现框架都是一致的,即由对象本身来提供引用计数器,但是它不会去维护这个引用计数器的值,而是由智能指针来维护,就好比是对象提供素材,但是具体怎么去使用这些素材,就交给智能指针来处理了。由于不管是什么类型的对象,它都需要提供引用计数器这个素材,在C++中,我们就可以把这个引用计数器素材定义为一个公共类,这个类只有一个成员变量,那就是引用计数成员变量,其它提供智能指针引用的对象,都必须从这个公共类继承下来,这样,这些不同的对象就天然地提供了引用计数器给智能指针使用了。总的来说就是我们在实现智能指会的过程中,第一是要定义一个负责提供引用计数器的公共类,第二是我们要实现相应的智能指针对象类,后面我们会看到这种方案是怎么样实现的。    


轻量级指针 LightRefBase


class LightRefBase{public: inline LightRefBase() : mCount(0) { } inline void incStrong(__attribute__((unused)) const void* id) const { mCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); } inline void decStrong(__attribute__((unused)) const void* id) const { if (mCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release) == 1) { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire); delete static_cast
(this); } } //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count. inline int32_t getStrongCount() const { return mCount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } typedef LightRefBase
basetype;protected: inline ~LightRefBase() { }private: friend class ReferenceMover; inline static void renameRefs(size_t /*n*/, const ReferenceRenamer& /*renamer*/) { } inline static void renameRefId(T* /*ref*/, const void* /*old_id*/ , const void* /*new_id*/) { }private: mutable std::atomic

    首先它是一个模板类,拥有一个atomic<int32_t> 类型的计数器(atomic是一个原子操作类,在c++11中新定义的。)提供了desString 和 incString的计数器增减方案,还有一个getStringCount的获取计数器数量的方法。




class sp {public: inline sp() : m_ptr(0) { } sp(T* other); // NOLINT(implicit) sp(const sp
& other); sp(sp
&& other); template
sp(U* other); // NOLINT(implicit) template
sp(const sp
& other); // NOLINT(implicit) template
&& other); // NOLINT(implicit) ~sp(); // Assignment sp& operator = (T* other); sp& operator = (const sp
& other); sp& operator = (sp
&& other); template
sp& operator = (const sp
& other); template
sp& operator = (sp
&& other); template
sp& operator = (U* other); //! Special optimization for use by ProcessState (and nobody else). void force_set(T* other); // Reset void clear(); // Accessors inline T& operator* () const { return *m_ptr; } inline T* operator-> () const { return m_ptr; } inline T* get() const { return m_ptr; } // Operators COMPARE(==) COMPARE(!=) COMPARE(>) COMPARE(<) COMPARE(<=) COMPARE(>=)private: template
friend class sp; template
friend class wp; void set_pointer(T* ptr); T* m_ptr;};



::sp(T* other) : m_ptr(other) { if (other) other->incStrong(this);}template
::sp(const sp
& other) : m_ptr(other.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->incStrong(this);}

    我根本不知道m_ptr的具体类型(它的类型是T,一个模板),但是我们可以直接调用 incStrong这样的方法,编译器不会帮我们检测是否合法,一切自在开发者心中。



using namespace android;class LightClass : public LightRefBase
{public: LightClass() { printf("Construct LightClass Object."); } virtual ~LightClass() { printf("Destory LightClass Object."); }};int main(int argc, char** argv){ LightClass* pLightClass = new LightClass(); sp
lpOut = pLightClass; printf("Light Ref Count: %d.\n", pLightClass->getStrongCount()); //1 { sp
lpInner = lpOut; printf("Light Ref Count: %d.\n", pLightClass->getStrongCount()); //2 } printf("Light Ref Count: %d.\n", pLightClass->getStrongCount());//1 return 0;}//print://Construct LightClass Object. //Light Ref Count: 1. //Light Ref Count: 2. //Light Ref Count: 1. //Destory LightClass Object.







class RefBase{public:            void            incStrong(const void* id) const;            void            decStrong(const void* id) const;            void            forceIncStrong(const void* id) const;            //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count.            int32_t         getStrongCount() const;    class weakref_type    {    public:        RefBase*            refBase() const;        void                incWeak(const void* id);        void                decWeak(const void* id);        // acquires a strong reference if there is already one.        bool                attemptIncStrong(const void* id);        // acquires a weak reference if there is already one.        // This is not always safe. see ProcessState.cpp and BpBinder.cpp        // for proper use.        bool                attemptIncWeak(const void* id);        //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current weak ref count.        int32_t             getWeakCount() const;        //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Print references held on object.        void                printRefs() const;        //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable tracking for this object.        // enable -- enable/disable tracking        // retain -- when tracking is enable, if true, then we save a stack trace        //           for each reference and dereference; when retain == false, we        //           match up references and dereferences and keep only the        //           outstanding ones.        void                trackMe(bool enable, bool retain);    };            weakref_type*   createWeak(const void* id) const;            weakref_type*   getWeakRefs() const;            //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Print references held on object.    inline  void            printRefs() const { getWeakRefs()->printRefs(); }            //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable tracking of object.    inline  void            trackMe(bool enable, bool retain)    {        getWeakRefs()->trackMe(enable, retain);    }    typedef RefBase basetype;protected:                            RefBase();    virtual                 ~RefBase();    //! Flags for extendObjectLifetime()    enum {        OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG  = 0x0000,        OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK    = 0x0001,        OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK    = 0x0001    };            void            extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode);    //! Flags for onIncStrongAttempted()    enum {        FIRST_INC_STRONG = 0x0001    };    // Invoked after creation of initial strong pointer/reference.    virtual void            onFirstRef();    // Invoked when either the last strong reference goes away, or we need to undo    // the effect of an unnecessary onIncStrongAttempted.    virtual void            onLastStrongRef(const void* id);    // Only called in OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case.  Returns true if OK to promote to    // strong reference. May have side effects if it returns true.    // The first flags argument is always FIRST_INC_STRONG.    // TODO: Remove initial flag argument.    virtual bool            onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id);    // Invoked in the OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case when the last reference of either    // kind goes away.  Unused.    // TODO: Remove.    virtual void            onLastWeakRef(const void* id);private:    friend class weakref_type;    class weakref_impl;                            RefBase(const RefBase& o);            RefBase&        operator=(const RefBase& o);private:    friend class ReferenceMover;    static void renameRefs(size_t n, const ReferenceRenamer& renamer);    static void renameRefId(weakref_type* ref,            const void* old_id, const void* new_id);    static void renameRefId(RefBase* ref,            const void* old_id, const void* new_id);        weakref_impl* const mRefs;};

    同样定义了 incStrong 和decStrong方法,用于增减引用计数(这也是为什么强指针也能使用sp<T>类来控制引用计数的原因)。和轻量级指针引用计数不同的是,我们的引用计数量不再是一个int类型(轻量级中使用std::atomic<int32_t>)来记录引用数量,而是使用了一个weakref_impl指针类型的变量mRefs。


class RefBase::weakref_impl : public RefBase::weakref_type{public:    std::atomic
mStrong; std::atomic
mWeak; RefBase* const mBase; std::atomic
mFlags;#if !DEBUG_REFS explicit weakref_impl(RefBase* base) : mStrong(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) , mWeak(0) , mBase(base) , mFlags(0) { } void addStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { } void removeStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { } void renameStrongRefId(const void* /*old_id*/, const void* /*new_id*/) { } void addWeakRef(const void* /*id*/) { } void removeWeakRef(const void* /*id*/) { } void renameWeakRefId(const void* /*old_id*/, const void* /*new_id*/) { } void printRefs() const { } void trackMe(bool, bool) { }#else......#endif

    我们只关注这一段,下面省略的部分是用于debug的,这里直接略过了。在release版本上,这些函数都是空实现,所以实际有用的就是最上面定义的4个成员变量。mStrong 和 mWeak分别用来做强引用和弱引用的计数,mBase指向实现引用计数的对象本身,mFlags是标志位,默认值是0,作用后面一点点看。


RefBase::RefBase()    : mRefs(new weakref_impl(this)){}void RefBase::incStrong(const void* id) const{    weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;    refs->incWeak(id);    refs->addStrongRef(id);    const int32_t c = refs->mStrong.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);    ALOG_ASSERT(c > 0, "incStrong() called on %p after last strong ref", refs);#if PRINT_REFS    ALOGD("incStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);#endif    if (c != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE)  {        return;    }    int32_t old = refs->mStrong.fetch_sub(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,            std::memory_order_relaxed);    // A decStrong() must still happen after us.    ALOG_ASSERT(old > INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, "0x%x too small", old);    refs->mBase->onFirstRef();}



void RefBase::weakref_type::incWeak(const void* id){    weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast
(this); impl->addWeakRef(id); const int32_t c __unused = impl->mWeak.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 0, "incWeak called on %p after last weak ref", this);}



    关键是下面 fetch_add 在强引用计数上+1(返回值是原来的值)。如果是初始值(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE),表示是第一次被强引用,那么久调用fetch_sub,将mStrong归1(初始值不为0,是1<<28,所以上面+1之后是 1<<28+1,这里减去初始值之后才会变成1。相比使用boolean标记为,这样的方式似乎也挺优雅的,值得学习),并且还会调用onFirstRef来做第一次被引用的处理(开发者自己定义,RefBase类中是个空实现)。


void RefBase::decStrong(const void* id) const{    weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;    refs->removeStrongRef(id);    const int32_t c = refs->mStrong.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);#if PRINT_REFS    ALOGD("decStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);#endif    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(BAD_STRONG(c), "decStrong() called on %p too many times",            refs);    if (c == 1) {        std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire);        refs->mBase->onLastStrongRef(id);        int32_t flags = refs->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);        if ((flags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {            delete this;            // The destructor does not delete refs in this case.        }    }    // Note that even with only strong reference operations, the thread    // deallocating this may not be the same as the thread deallocating refs.    // That's OK: all accesses to this happen before its deletion here,    // and all accesses to refs happen before its deletion in the final decWeak.    // The destructor can safely access mRefs because either it's deleting    // mRefs itself, or it's running entirely before the final mWeak decrement.    refs->decWeak(id);}




//! Flags for extendObjectLifetime()    enum {        OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG  = 0x0000,        OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK    = 0x0001,        OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK    = 0x0001    };



RefBase::~RefBase(){    int32_t flags = mRefs->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);    // Life-time of this object is extended to WEAK, in    // which case weakref_impl doesn't out-live the object and we    // can free it now.    if ((flags & OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK) {        // It's possible that the weak count is not 0 if the object        // re-acquired a weak reference in its destructor        if (mRefs->mWeak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0) {            delete mRefs;        }    } else if (mRefs->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)            == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {        // We never acquired a strong reference on this object.        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mRefs->mWeak.load() != 0,                "RefBase: Explicit destruction with non-zero weak "                "reference count");        // TODO: Always report if we get here. Currently MediaMetadataRetriever        // C++ objects are inconsistently managed and sometimes get here.        // There may be other cases, but we believe they should all be fixed.        delete mRefs;    }    // For debugging purposes, clear mRefs.  Ineffective against outstanding wp's.    const_cast
(mRefs) = NULL;}



void RefBase::weakref_type::decWeak(const void* id){    weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast
(this); impl->removeWeakRef(id); const int32_t c = impl->mWeak.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(BAD_WEAK(c), "decWeak called on %p too many times", this); if (c != 1) return; atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire); int32_t flags = impl->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if ((flags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) { // This is the regular lifetime case. The object is destroyed // when the last strong reference goes away. Since weakref_impl // outlives the object, it is not destroyed in the dtor, and // we'll have to do it here. if (impl->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) { // Decrementing a weak count to zero when object never had a strong // reference. We assume it acquired a weak reference early, e.g. // in the constructor, and will eventually be properly destroyed, // usually via incrementing and decrementing the strong count. // Thus we no longer do anything here. We log this case, since it // seems to be extremely rare, and should not normally occur. We // used to deallocate mBase here, so this may now indicate a leak. ALOGW("RefBase: Object at %p lost last weak reference " "before it had a strong reference", impl->mBase); } else { // ALOGV("Freeing refs %p of old RefBase %p\n", this, impl->mBase); delete impl; } } else { // This is the OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case. The last weak-reference // is gone, we can destroy the object. impl->mBase->onLastWeakRef(id); delete impl->mBase; }}


    如果对象生命周期受到弱引用控制,那么当弱引用为0时,delete impl->mBase(相当于delete this!)。






class wp{public: typedef typename RefBase::weakref_type weakref_type; inline wp() : m_ptr(0) { } wp(T* other); // NOLINT(implicit) wp(const wp
& other); explicit wp(const sp
& other); template
wp(U* other); // NOLINT(implicit) template
wp(const sp
& other); // NOLINT(implicit) template
wp(const wp
& other); // NOLINT(implicit) ~wp(); // Assignment wp& operator = (T* other); wp& operator = (const wp
& other); wp& operator = (const sp
& other); template
wp& operator = (U* other); template
wp& operator = (const wp
& other); template
wp& operator = (const sp
& other); void set_object_and_refs(T* other, weakref_type* refs); // promotion to sp sp
promote() const; // Reset void clear(); // Accessors inline weakref_type* get_refs() const { return m_refs; } inline T* unsafe_get() const { return m_ptr; } // Operators COMPARE_WEAK(==) COMPARE_WEAK(!=) COMPARE_WEAK(>) COMPARE_WEAK(<) COMPARE_WEAK(<=) COMPARE_WEAK(>=) inline bool operator == (const wp
& o) const { return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) && (m_refs == o.m_refs); } template
inline bool operator == (const wp
& o) const { return m_ptr == o.m_ptr; } inline bool operator > (const wp
& o) const { return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs > o.m_refs) : (m_ptr > o.m_ptr); } template
inline bool operator > (const wp
& o) const { return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs > o.m_refs) : (m_ptr > o.m_ptr); } inline bool operator < (const wp
& o) const { return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs < o.m_refs) : (m_ptr < o.m_ptr); } template
inline bool operator < (const wp
& o) const { return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs < o.m_refs) : (m_ptr < o.m_ptr); } inline bool operator != (const wp
& o) const { return m_refs != o.m_refs; } template
inline bool operator != (const wp
& o) const { return !operator == (o); } inline bool operator <= (const wp
& o) const { return !operator > (o); } template
inline bool operator <= (const wp
& o) const { return !operator > (o); } inline bool operator >= (const wp
& o) const { return !operator < (o); } template
inline bool operator >= (const wp
& o) const { return !operator < (o); }private: template
friend class sp; template
friend class wp; T* m_ptr; weakref_type* m_refs;};

        wp<T>类的定义和sp<T>其实是比较接近的,最大的区别在于wp<T> 不仅保存了 T的指针 m_ptr,而且保存了T中引用计数的指针m_refs。


::wp(T* other) : m_ptr(other){ if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this);}RefBase::weakref_type* RefBase::createWeak(const void* id) const{ mRefs->incWeak(id); return mRefs;}





::promote() const{ sp
result; if (m_ptr && m_refs->attemptIncStrong(&result)) { result.set_pointer(m_ptr); } return result;}


bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id){    incWeak(id);    .......}


bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id){    ........    weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast
(this); int32_t curCount = impl->mStrong.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); ALOG_ASSERT(curCount >= 0, "attemptIncStrong called on %p after underflow", this); while (curCount > 0 && curCount != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) { // we're in the easy/common case of promoting a weak-reference // from an existing strong reference. if (impl->mStrong.compare_exchange_weak(curCount, curCount+1, std::memory_order_relaxed)) { break; } // the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our // situation. curCount was updated by compare_exchange_weak. } .........}


    有两个疑问点,while循环和 compare_exchange_weak方法,其实都是考虑到多线程的时候同时操作出现的问题。具体不分析了,需要研究atomic的方法。


bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id){    ..........    if (curCount <= 0 || curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {        // we're now in the harder case of either:        // - there never was a strong reference on us        // - or, all strong references have been released        int32_t flags = impl->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);        if ((flags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {            ........        } else {            // this object has an "extended" life-time, i.e.: it can be            // revived from a weak-reference only.            // Ask the object's implementation if it agrees to be revived            if (!impl->mBase->onIncStrongAttempted(FIRST_INC_STRONG, id)) {                // it didn't so give-up.                decWeak(id);                return false;            }            // grab a strong-reference, which is always safe due to the            // extended life-time.            curCount = impl->mStrong.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);            // If the strong reference count has already been incremented by            // someone else, the implementor of onIncStrongAttempted() is holding            // an unneeded reference.  So call onLastStrongRef() here to remove it.            // (No, this is not pretty.)  Note that we MUST NOT do this if we            // are in fact acquiring the first reference.            if (curCount != 0 && curCount != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {                impl->mBase->onLastStrongRef(id);            }        }    }    .......}




bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id){    ...........    if (curCount <= 0 || curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {        // we're now in the harder case of either:        // - there never was a strong reference on us        // - or, all strong references have been released        int32_t flags = impl->mFlags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);        if ((flags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {            // this object has a "normal" life-time, i.e.: it gets destroyed            // when the last strong reference goes away            if (curCount <= 0) {                // the last strong-reference got released, the object cannot                // be revived.                decWeak(id);                return false;            }            // here, curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, which means            // there never was a strong-reference, so we can try to            // promote this object; we need to do that atomically.            while (curCount > 0) {                if (impl->mStrong.compare_exchange_weak(curCount, curCount+1,                        std::memory_order_relaxed)) {                    break;                }                // the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our                // situation (e.g.: another thread has inc/decStrong'ed us)                // curCount has been updated.            }            if (curCount <= 0) {                // promote() failed, some other thread destroyed us in the                // meantime (i.e.: strong count reached zero).                decWeak(id);                return false;            }        } else {            ..........        }    }    ......}

        如果对象的生命周期受强引用控制,那么又会分成两个情况,当前的强引用计数是否为初始值,如果不是初始值,那么表示曾经有过强引用,并且现在没有了,这种情况下,对象已经被delete掉了,所以需要弱引用-1作回退,然后返回false。如果强引用计数等于初始值,表示对象还没有强引用,自然也没有被销毁,可以转换,所以强引用+1。这里有个问题,+1之后的值并不是  1,而是 1<<28,所以才有下面最后这段代码

bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id){    .....    impl->addStrongRef(id);#if PRINT_REFS    ALOGD("attemptIncStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, curCount);#endif    // curCount is the value of mStrong before we incremented it.    // Now we need to fix-up the count if it was INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE.    // This must be done safely, i.e.: handle the case where several threads    // were here in attemptIncStrong().    // curCount > INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE is OK, and can happen if we're doing    // this in the middle of another incStrong.  The subtraction is handled    // by the thread that started with INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE.    if (curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {        impl->mStrong.fetch_sub(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,                std::memory_order_relaxed);    }    return true;}





#define INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE (1<<28)using namespace android;class WeightClass : public RefBase{public: void printRefCount() { int32_t strong = getStrongCount(); weakref_type* ref = getWeakRefs(); printf("-----------------------\n"); printf("Strong Ref Count: %d.\n", (strong == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE ? 0 : strong)); printf("Weak Ref Count: %d.\n", ref->getWeakCount()); printf("-----------------------\n"); }};class StrongClass : public WeightClass{public: StrongClass() { printf("Construct StrongClass Object.\n"); } virtual ~StrongClass() { printf("Destory StrongClass Object.\n"); }};class WeakClass : public WeightClass{public: WeakClass() { extendObjectLifetime(OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK); printf("Construct WeakClass Object.\n"); } virtual ~WeakClass() { printf("Destory WeakClass Object.\n"); }};void TestStrongClass(StrongClass* pStrongClass){ wp
wpOut = pStrongClass; pStrongClass->printRefCount(); { sp
spInner = pStrongClass; pStrongClass->printRefCount(); } sp
spOut = wpOut.promote(); printf("spOut: %p.\n", spOut.get());}void TestWeakClass(WeakClass* pWeakClass){ wp
wpOut = pWeakClass; pWeakClass->printRefCount(); { sp
spInner = pWeakClass; pWeakClass->printRefCount(); } pWeakClass->printRefCount(); sp
spOut = wpOut.promote(); printf("spOut: %p.\n", spOut.get());}int main(int argc, char** argv){ printf("Test Strong Class: \n"); StrongClass* pStrongClass = new StrongClass(); TestStrongClass(pStrongClass);//Test Strong Class: //Construct StrongClass Object. //----------------------- //Strong Ref Count: 0. //Weak Ref Count: 1. //----------------------- //----------------------- //Strong Ref Count: 1. //Weak Ref Count: 2. //----------------------- //Destory StrongClass Object. //spOut: 0x0. printf("\nTest Weak Class: \n"); WeakClass* pWeakClass = new WeakClass(); TestWeakClass(pWeakClass);//Test Weak Class: //Construct WeakClass Object. //----------------------- //Strong Ref Count: 0. //Weak Ref Count: 1. //----------------------- //----------------------- //Strong Ref Count: 1. //Weak Ref Count: 2. //----------------------- //----------------------- //Strong Ref Count: 0. //Weak Ref Count: 1. //----------------------- //spOut: 0xa528. //Destory WeakClass Object. return 0;}

    WeightClass是基类,主要用于输出当前引用计数的数量。定义了WeakClass 和StringClass 让他们的生命周期分别受控于弱引用计数和强引用计数。






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